Category: ebook

Optimize Your Health with Omega 3

A Beginners Guide to Optimizing Your Health with Omega 3!

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about Omega-3 fatty acids lately – but what exactly are they?

Of course, most people understand that Omega-3s are good for their health, but they don’t know exactly why or how they work.

In this short no-fluff beginners guide to Omega 3, we will be going over what Omega 3 is, how it can optimize yours and your family’s health, how to choose a supplement and much more. Are you ready?

Considered one of the essential fatty acids, Omega 3s are essential to human health. The problem is our bodies are unable to make them on their own! So that leaves the food we eat as our main source of Omega 3.

Of course, we can, and most of us should, also take an Omega 3 supplement to ensure that our body has all of the important fatty acids that it needs to build muscles and maintain proper cell growth.

Omega 3s are considered a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) that is crucial to maintain proper brain function, growth and development. An important anti-inflammatory, one of Omega 3’s jobs is to help prevent such degenerative diseases as arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and even memory loss.

Of course, Omega 3s also aid in keeping skin taut and smooth, thus playing an important role in keeping us looking younger longer. From warding off wrinkles, to helping to keep coronary arteries clear, Omega 3 fatty acids have been linked to all sorts of health benefits.

Below are the chapters that you are about to explore inside:

Chapter 1 – What Is Omega 3 & Why Is It Healthy?
Chapter 2 – The Discovery & History Of Omega 3
Chapter 3 – Selecting An Omega 3 Supplement & Getting The Most Out Of It
Chapter 4 – Benefits Of Omega 3 For Your Health & Your Body
Chapter 5 – Omega 3 & Your Heart
Chapter 6 – How Omega 3 Helps You Heal
Chapter 7 – Omega 3 & The Whole Family…Kids & Seniors
Conclusion – Incorporating Omega 3 Into Your Life Today & Long Term


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